How to Remove Mold from Wicker Furniture

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Knowing how to remove mold from wicker furniture is useful in extending the life of outdoor wicker furniture or indoor wicker furniture. Just like any lawn furniture, wicker furniture is susceptible to mold. Indoor wicker furniture used in a bathroom or other humid climate may also be susceptible to mold.

How to Remove Mold

One of the best ways to clean mold off of wicker furniture is to use bleach. I only remounted this method of cleaning mold off of wicker furniture if you wicker furniture has been painted or seals.

Bleach (as well as water) will degrade the wood surface if you have an unpainted piece of wood wicker furniture. The bleach wills breakdown the natural wood fibers of your wicker furniture.

To Clean Mold From Your Wicker Furniture You Will Need:

  • 1 Table spoon of bleach
  • 1 Gallon of water
  • Soft scrub brush
  • Rubber gloves
  • Pressure washer (optional)
  • Bucket

The first step is to take a large bucket and mix one gallon of water with one tablespoon of bleach. You will not need any more bleach to clean mildew or mold from wicker furniture. Do not be tempted to use more or you can risk damage to the wood.

Now put on the rubber glove. Use a soft bristled scrub brush and dip it into the bleach water. Use this to scrub the mold from your wicker furniture.

Now, this is a very hands on process of how to remove mold from wicker furniture and you have a few more options using similar materials.

If you are mold or mildew in the crevices of your wicker furniture that is hard to get to you will need a spray bottle. Fill the spray bottle with some of the bleach water mixture. Liberally spray the bleach water on the wicker furniture and let it soak in.

Now, start scrubbing your wicker furniture again.

If you are not too into scrubbing your wicker furniture you can also use an electric pressure washer to clean your wicker furniture.

A few tips if you want to use a pressure washer to clean mold or mildew form wicker furniture:

First, do this on a concrete or asphalt surface. If you pressure wash on the eground you will simply splatter the wicker furniture with mud.

Secondly, use a less powerful pressure washer, like one of those super affordable pressure washers for cars.

Full strength pressure washing can and will strip paint as well mold off of your wicker furniture!

Once you have finished removing the mold from your wicker furniture be sure to dry it off. Use that pressure washer to “blow dry” your wicker furniture or simply use a towel.

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